

Haven't decided what to write in here, but here's what comes to mind when I think why I need to bother even:

  • To let go of a dangerous obsession with perfection – a huge reason why I don't write or publish stuff out into the ether that is the Internet, is because I think my writing isn't good enough; the fear that it doesn't match up to the bestselling, praiseworthy writer that I've sadly imagined myself to be is crippling to a point where I end up not writing at all. Not a good way to live.

  • To streamline consumption of information – There's an enormous amount of information constantly buffeting at me which is why I sense an urgent need to structure my thoughts on whatever I consume. Writing about these things might help crystallize any reactions to those thoughts into a concrete framework of ideas.

  • Self-reflection – There's something about writing uninhibited, without being wary of the boundaries of structure or reason. This is also going to be an attempt at writing from the heart, without any machinations or gimmicks (that seem to have plagued my writing, of late).
